Need More Proof? Commerce and Climate Change.

Today, March 31, 2014, the IPCC released its latest report about climate change. As I was making my bed, I chanced to have the Weather Channel playing on my television. The “meteorologist” was interviewing a scientist who was part of the IPCC and was offering his take on what the report reported. He went through […]

Would You Rather?

Some Choices You Might Have You’ve just met a woman or man who seems the embodiment of all you yearned for when you were young. Your heart beats with excitement, with the possibility that your life could be blissful, after all. Or would you rather have more money?

Perhaps you have a child who […]

There Will Be Fuel

The august New York Times on Wednesday, 17 November had a special section on Energy. The lead article by one Clifford Krauss (unidentified in the article) asserts that there will be ample fuel for all purposes for the forseeable future, albeit with some minor problems. As authority he quotes William M. Colton, vice president for […]

Chalmers Johnson RIP

Chalmers Johnson died on November 20, 2010 at the age of 79. Although I did not know him personally, I will miss him and the work he did for all of us.

Love and Death – Forrest Church

I have offered no posts on this blog for some time, but I want to offer some reflections now.

Saturday, October 3, my wife Jan Carlsson-Bull and I drove to New York City and back to Boston in one day. It rained hard both ways. It was well worth it. We attended a memorial service […]