Ah, But the Media CAN be Controlled, and is

Donald Trump has announced that he will take a pass on the Republican Debate tomorrow night, perhaps even staging a debate independently in the same timeframe. Ostensibly this is because he feels he cannot be treated fairly by Fox News. Anchorwoman Megyn Kelly said on the air words to the effect that … the media […]

Morgan Stanley Gets Stronger, 1,000s “Cut”

According to my favorite source of news of the “progress” of the empire, The New York Times (All the News We See Fit to Print), reporting on page one of the business news for January 19, 2013, “Morgan Stanley has taken aggressive action to bolster profit. Over the last year, the Wall Street bank has […]

Usury and Finance Capitalism

Usury, I believe, is forbidden by both the Bible and the Q’uran, but not by the state and by finance capitalism. I have written about this before, but the U.S. mail compels me to consider it again. In today’s mail is a missive from “the company ranked #1 in customer loyalty,” namely Discover card. Discover […]

Voter ID Laws Amount to Unconstitutional Poll Taxes

With all the uproar about voter ID laws passed by conservative lawmakers, probably to suppress the minority vote, the assertions by progressives and liberals and such about why they should be defeated surprise me. These are principally that it places a hardship on the poor, the elderly, and others who might find it difficult to […]

Nah, It Ain’t F**cism

The term fascism is tossed about without much reflection these days. Conservatives talk of Islamofascism even while decrying as class warfare any reference in similar terms to their own extreme right wing stuff. Some left-liberals count almost anything the right does as fascism. None of this has much to recommend it. This kind of ranting […]

Groupon, Google!

Here is a perfect example of the mess our society is in today. Google, the Internet search engine giant, has bid $6 billion to buy Groupon, an Internet business startup. Well, the New York Times called it a startup. The founder of Groupon is all of 30 years old. He stands to become a billionaire […]

Fossil Fuel Folly

What BP is really doing.

This is a cautionary post. It is not a cautionary tale, something made up to illustrate a point. Rather it is constructed out of information gleaned from public sources. Conventional wisdom holds that competition is the only and best way to provide abundance for all. Pursuit of profit results somehow […]